Kids Drinks?
DD is a little over 13 months now. She is finally using a sippy (straw type) cup. But I struggle with what I should be giving her to drink. I keep lots of S/F things around (crystal light, diet / decaf tea, water)...but I have noticed that she really isnt interested in milk- unless in a bottle. We were told she should stop having bottles. So she was getting 1 bottle at night and 1 in the morning with milk. Tried to stop the bottle this morning and she literally let the milk run out of her mouth when she drank it from her cup. So I figured if she really wanted it , she would have drank it. But I feel like all I can give her is milk, and watered juice (we make it at least 50% water to juice)- I guess I dont want to fill her with sugary choices. But I know there should be other things- What are you thoughts & how much milk does she really need? (they told me she was anemic 10.5 last check) Thanks for your input. Oh- and usually she drinks a few sippy cups full of "juice" a day since there aren't any daytime bottles.
Note: the juice is Juicy Juice / Welches ( it probably is less then 6 / 8 oz of true juice a day).and we do warm the milk because she hated cold, cold drinks (we leave her juice out for a few minutes too).
sorry not much advice lol
Pre-op 284/Current 180/Goal 145 5'5
Surgery Date:April 23, 2007
BTW- Alex has never had a UTI, or bladder problem. He also has never had a cavity and has a BMI of 19. Needless to say, based on my kid, I don't buy all the anti-juice hype. Now, I don't think you should leave a kid with a bottle of juice in their mouth or give them a bunch of sugar added stuff....but natural juice is not gonna hurt your kid in small amounts daily.
What about putting an orange slice in the water it has just a little flavor.
As for the bottle issue. I was "mean" and took it all away at once. I made him sit at the table with his cup, put a little bit at a time in there. I think it took all of three days before he was completely off bottles. I knew I wasn't having anymore kids for a while so I threw them away. Niether of us had a choice after that.
I have the same issues with Zoe, she will only drink milk out of a bottle. We have tried sippy cups, sippy cups with straws, regular cups even tried adding a little ovaltine to it. She just spits it out. She was getting a 9oz bottle in the morning and before bed but now she will only take the one before bed, so I guess she is weaning herself off the bottle. It's great she is getting rid of the bottle but I was so worried about her getting enough milk. I talked to her doctor and she said as long as she is eating yogurt, cheese and other milk products she should be fine. She is also starting to eat cereal with milk now so she gets it that way (half on her the other half in her I don't know that I was any help but just know your not alone.
Good Luck!
Brianna RNY 9-25-06 / Pre-Op.253lbs / Current...155lbs.
Wife to Robert, Mom to... Jacob (11 yrs) Zoë (22 mo) and Niklas Ryan Born 8/26/09
BTW, I do remember struggling with the bottle-sippy cup transition, but we got through it, though I remember many, many incidents where she tipped a straw cup upside-down like a bottle and made a bit of a mess...

Other than that, I give ice water in a sippy. I do the Roaring Waters by Capri Sun too. Nothing wrong with flavors if it doesn't have a ton of sugar, artificial sweetner or other junk in it - as far as my opinion goes.
Good luck!
She is having a hard time giving up those bottles. She won't even touch a sippy with milk in it.
Here's our drinking schedule:
7:30 AM
Sippy w/ 1/2 juice 1/2 water
10 AM
6 oz bottle of milk
Sippy of ICE Water (the colder, the better for her)
6 oz bottle of milk
Sippy of Ice water
6 oz bottle of milk
I think the only thing I can do w/ the milk is give it in a regular (non-sippy cup). She refuses it out of the sippy.